Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Point of View

I See Things Differently

Book: First To Kill

Nathan McBride- From Nathan's point of view Ernie is a no good man that gets in trouble with the law almost all the time. This effects the story because when Ernie bombed the FBI office he thought it was just to blow something up. When this happened Nathan grew an unimaginable hatred towards him because of what he thought was a bombing for just the enjoyment. This made Nathan want to kill Ernie even more.
 (Support for troubles)"Ernie was just a no good man that gets in trouble for the fun of it,"  
(Support for Bombing thought)"Only the sick mind of Ernie Bridgestone would do this. He probably laughed and enjoyed seeing the burning building."

Ernie Bridgstone- From Ernie's point of view he is a misunderstood man that gets in trouble for stuff he didn't do. This effects the story because he wouldn't be doing all of this if the FBI never blamed him for many things. His anger is now all focused on the people that ruined his life. The bombing at the FBI field office was caused by his thirst for revenge. The reason he tortured and/or killed so many people was because of his thirst for revenge. His whole mind was set on thinking about revenge
(Support for troubles)"The lady I ran into was drunk. She walked into the street behind the cover of 2 cars. I didn't see her!!! She was the drunk one!!! I wasn't the one out of control!!!"
(Support for Bombings)"Payback suckers. Now you can eat my semtex dust."

1 comment:

  1. i like how it is in 2 different points of view instead of just one describing the other. But in the first paragraph it doesnt make complete sense but overall it's good
