Friday, February 15, 2013

Creative Piece

The Shot

A Fictional story about a shot that saved Cleveland

The game seemed over and the crowd stared in disbelief. Hearts of the loyal fans sank, reacting to what the situation was. No choices, no ideas, no momentum, and worst of all no hope. In a NBA finals game, especially game 7 this is not a situation that a home team wants. They want the crowd upbeat and cheering for them. Now the crowd is silent and lowering their heads into their hands. The score is 107-105 with Oklahoma City winning after a clutch 3 by Kevin Durant with only 1.5 seconds left. Young and inexperienced, the Cavaliers have two options to give the ball to. Kyrie Irving and Dion Waiters.

 As the timeout ends the 10 players walk out onto the court. With no specific play set, Tristan Thompson of the Cavs takes the ball out on the sideline. Adrenaline rushed through all of the players. Every single one of them nervous because this was it. This was going to be the last play of the season. The ref intimidates the players with the flick of his hand, counting the time to inbound the ball. At the fourth flick Thompson throws the ball in the air towards Kyrie. Catching near half court he takes two quick dribbles towards the basket and pulls up from 28 feet out. Time seemed to slow down as everyone watched the shot. Flowing off his fingers it looked like the perfect shot. The high arch to the ball  held the slow motion effect for longer than a dramatic racing finish replay. Finally the shot starts to drop towards the 18 inch rim. Money. The ball went straight through its target and with a smooth sound of the swish.

Yells and cheers erupted from the stands when the ball went through the hoop. Confetti rained from the ceiling as the Cavaliers ran around the court chasing Kyrie trying to congratulate him. He had just saved Cleveland from another heart breaking loss, he had just won the game, and best of all he had just revived Cleveland spirits.

1 comment:

  1. Great piece, although it is kind of predictable. I love the idea though. I think one thing that could change is the 2nd paragraph is a little choppy but overall it's great.
