Friday, January 4, 2013

Compare Contrast

Two different places,
Two similar people

1. Uses gadgets("Now its time to get used to the grappling gun...",
2. trained by villains(HIVE explains itself in its name),
3. helped by normal people("The guards and teachers were at least human"),
4. Used to live in orphanage(Otto seemed to have did his own thing in the orphanage..." ,
5. Parents aborted him(There was a knock at the door and laying there was a baby.."

1. Protective of friends(He would never let anything happen to his friends.."/"He had to save them from the plant.."),
2. Brave("Risked his life..."/"Saved us all at the cost of hurting himself"),
3. On quest to save people(He had to find Ra or else..."/"Raven was his only chance out. He had no choice but to go find her..",
4. Both lose family members"His dad was encased in his final coffin..."/"He never actually had a family anyways...",
5. Have special guardians"So I guess you're the special guardian he talked about?"/"Raven, watch Malpense carefully and keep him unharmed.."

1. Uses special powers"With astonishment Zia looked as Carter summoned a god avatar",
2. trained by heroes"He had been trained by many of the gods that opposed chaos...",
3. helped by gods"Bast was summoned to protect and guide the Cane's...",
4. Used to live with dad (went all around world)"After Carter's mom died, Sadie lived with her grandparents and Carter went with his dad everywhere on his adventures. Julius was the only family Carter had now..",
5. Parents died."His mom blown up opening the portal and now his dad buried alive by Set"

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