Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Otto the Brave

(Authors Note: This writing piece is about theme of the book HIVE. I am writing this to show my understanding of theme)

Even when situations get out of hand will you be the one to step forward? Will you be the one to take the trouble one on one and lead everyone? This is what happened in the book HIVE by Mark Walden when Otto faced two indescribable events. Through lots of courage, bravery, and determination shown by this group of HIVE students, it was very simple to point out the themes of the book.
One thing that stood out to me was when Otto and the group of friends were planning the escape, Otto was the one conducting the setup. From what time to go to how to get out he planned almost every single thing to get off the island. He was determined to get off and took it into his own hands. In the book it said, "As the deadline neared Otto grew even more determined to escape.” This is clearly saying he had the determination to leave.
Another example of determination is when Nigel’s test plant goes crazy. The supersized monster of a plant is on pace to destroy the entire island with all of the students on it. As the staff of HIVE are ready to retreat and leave Otto again steps up and takes the problem into his own hands. The plant is tearing the in ground city apart and Otto is determined to destroy it to save everyone. Through the destruction Otto didn’t stop messing with ways to stop the plant until he found the solution and destroyed it. Otto’s determination again has helped what his goal was to do.
Another book that has the same theme is anything in the Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, and Kane Chronicles. All of these series have parts where determination comes in. In all the series  the world is about to end and the characters were very determined to not let it happen. Every single one of the characters risked their lives to save innocent civilians on their quests to defeat whatever evil god they were facing. If it was a life death situation I personally would just save myself and run away. The characters in the books had the bravery and determination to go back and save the others.
 Also those characters showed determination to help each other. Most of the time the characters were best friends to each other and no matter the situation they were always determined to help each other. The whole series they were immediately on each other’s defense from whatever was happening. This is similar if not exactly the same as the characters in HIVE felt for each other.
Even though the book had many themes, determination stood out the most of all. From the planning of the escape to the man eating plant the characters showed determination to complete their hard fought tasks to a personal victory. Determination, determination, determination, that's the repeated theme of the book and the most important  time after time. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012



The book HIVE by Mark Walden is starting to get to the climax. The book is about a group of kids sent to an island to learn the ways of evil scientists and agents. Some of the kids were forced into going without knowing and they are now giving clues about having them plot an escape.
            Otto and Wing finally have started their “normal lives” in the HIVE complex. Along the way though many hints came up about them trying to escape HIVE island. I think that this is easily the main conflict of the book and that this means the ending will solve the problem having them escape or, getting caught.
            The first clue pointing to escape is when they first arrive at the island. Otto notices that they have an underground submarine base and starts making plans and talking to Wing about them escaping with the subs. In the book Otto says to Wing “…Did you notice the submarine dock. Maybe we could use them to escape…..”. Obviously this is directly saying they trying to escape.
            Another clue is that both Otto and Wing have been looking for faults in the places security. I know this because the book gave me clues by having Otto talk about the security. When they started their HIVE tour Otto and Wing started  asking questions like” Has anyone escaped the island?” and “What parts of the island can the security see?” Throughout the tour they kept asking and asking until the Contessa threatened give them a very bad visit while they were there. Even after that they kept searching for more clues to see how good the island’s security is. In order to escape Otto must know what the security can do and what the faults are.
            Finally in the middle of the book Otto and Wing are starting to make a small group of four people for the attempted escape. I know that they are now getting very serious about doing what they’ve been trying to do. With a group formed they are now getting the supplies and planning the escape. In the book it says “In order to escape the island we must have a group to help each other.” There was also another hint from the story. The main one for this reason. “On the bed was the final list in what they need to escape.” Again this is telling you “We’re trying to escape!”.
            What I’m predicting will happen is similar to the book Rise of Scorpia by Anthony Horrowitz. In the book Alex Rider is trying to escape from his arch nemesis’ compound. There too is a very tight security with barely any faults in it. Just like Otto Alex looked and looked for anything that could help him in his escape. Alex does end up making it out but with the help of someone from the outside. I think the ending of HIVE will end very similar to this way if they get free.
            Summing up all of the evidence the book gives us it is clear to me they will attempt the escape sometime soon. Escaping this island sounds like a suicide mission. Security is tight 24/7 and HIVE mind is everywhere watching your every move. I question if the book will have a happy ending. Will they even make it past part one? Will they escape? Will they even get anywhere after getting through the security? This is the only shot they have and they can’t miss it.            

Friday, November 16, 2012

Prediction of 3:15

I predict that at the end of the book Troy will end up making Mr. Mason a better teacher. I do because when Troy said you're my favorite teacher I think it gave a hint on what was coming up. Because of the fact that it was rare to think Mr. Mason is the best teacher it will impact him. He will become nicer to Troy in my predictions and at the end, Troy will convince Mr. Mason to be a little more lenient on his expectations causing him to start being more nice to the other students.

The real ending was better than mine but it was a lot more confusing. It might have helped if I had read the rest of the book. I was lost at where this was and when it said "only time will tell" that really doesn't give much of an ending.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Character Development

Hello I’m the new Carter

Authors Note:
This piece is about the character analysis in the book series the Kane Chronicles. I wrote this to demonstrate my understanding of character analysis.

In the series Kane Chronicles Carter, the a main character, came a long way from the beginning when he was a clueless traveling 13 year old, to a strong and brave boy that feared nothing that came in his path. Not even Apophis. Through many heart stopping, difficult situations Carter went from having Bast and Amos doing everything, to him leading the pack and taking on the enemy. Carter showed significant amounts of change throughout the whole series.
            Even though some of his changes were very subtle, I could still notice him change. Starting in book one I noticed his attitude and mindset change from the time his dad released the gods at Rosetta Stone to when he defeated Apophis.
Before he knew he was a magician from the strongest family of Egypt, he was a very timid and shy kid. I think this was because Carter and his dad traveled around the world nonstop. If they do that he has to get used to the new people really quick before he’s off to another place. Usually when meeting new people you’ll be shy at first and then when you get to know them you’ll talk more comfortably. After the accident Sadie’s guardians sent them from England to Brooklyn to live with their Uncle Amos. There Carter began to see what he really was and started learning to use his magic. From there on his confidence level went up and up because now he thought he was a powerful magician.
Yes he had changed a lot but don’t think he didn’t change anymore because he did. From the end of book one to the start of book two I noticed he had changed again. From the Red Pyramid he started leading but was still timid. During the Throne of Fire he was confident in what he was directing people to do. He was actually leading with confidence instead of his old self that half-heartedly directed. I could tell that he was getting better at leading because when reading the text it looked like he was firm with his speech and that he actually knew what he was doing. In the first book he had no idea what to do.
Finally Carter’s ultimate change was the way he acted. From the start he was a teenager that wanted to stay the same as he always was. Traveling around the world discovering cool ancient Egyptian stuff and acting in the ways of Egypt. Now that he’s in America everyone is staring at him for dressing in his Egyptian clothes. Now at the end he has changed and has begun to dress in normal peoples clothes (but with no cotton so he can use magic) and has acted normal not talking about the gods and the history of Egypt.
When I think of a similar character I think of Percy Jackson from the Percy Jackson series. They are similar in many ways changing from the beginning of the series to the end. Percy was timid in the beginning just like Carter was and wasn’t able to lead anyone. Another thing is they both eventually made progress to become great leaders. Percy lead the defense of Manhattan and Carter lead the defensive of the world against Apophis. Also both of them got a place to call “home”. Carter and Percy moved around a lot. At the end of these series they both settled into a spot and lived there. Finally at the end of both of the series they both became a leader of their home base. This takes large amounts of leadership and courage to be able to gain a position like that.
Carter has come a long way from the beginning. He made major changes that shaped the way his new self would be. From noticing his changes I now know that you can change to and be whatever you want to be. You just have to take risks and attempt your tasks.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Patriot's Pen

 Patriot’s Pen

Dear Founding Fathers:

You’ve seen the ads and you’ve heard the debates. Election time for the next president is right around the corner. Citizens of the United States of America get to vote on who they want to lead this great country for the next four years. Why do we have the ability to vote for our next leaders? The answer is you, the Founding Fathers. You are the reason we have so many freedoms that make us such an incredibly great country.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the rest of the Founding Fathers, you are responsible for the creation of two of the United States’ most historical documents. These important documents are the Declaration of Independence and eleven years later, the United States Constitution. If it weren’t for the Declaration of Independence we would still be under the rule of the British Monarchy. Kings and queens were born into their role of leader. You, the Founding Fathers wanted independence from this form of leadership. You wanted independence for America, an opportunity for a government with representation, and a chance for we the people to vote for our leaders.
              With your next document, the United States Constitution, you laid the foundation for our government and created the three branches of our government. You also pledged to protect our rights like freedom of speech and freedom of religion. This is why we are able to speak our thoughts without fear of government retaliation. This is why we are able to practice whatever religion we want.  These are freedoms that we value today.
Founding Fathers, you achieved great things in your time.  You drafted two important documents that influence the way we live today. Today we enjoy many freedoms because of you.  Election time is a great time to remember your accomplishments and to appreciate the opportunity we have to choose our next president. 

Jaeger Hoang

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cause and Effect

Author's note:
This piece is about cause and effect in the story Serpent's Shadow. I wrote this to demonstrate my understanding of cause and effect.

The book I read was Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan. Ultimately the main event of this book is when Sadie and Carter cast the spell to capture Apophis' shadow and banish him into the duat.

The effects of this are having the world not be destroyed and being able to live another day.

On the other hand if Apophis had taken over the world there would be so much more. He would've destroyed the world and transformed it into a whole world of just Chaos' sea. It would be interesting because if Apophis had won then Rick Riordan could possibly made another book about the future of earth.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Personal Narrative

It seemed like I would never achieve my goal. It had been a goal of mine for years. I just couldn't seem to keep the stinking ball in the air. Yeah sure it looks easy but truth is it is really hard. You don't just kick the ball. You have to control it with the right mechanics. Starting this year in January I have been working on juggling for as much as I could and it showed. Pretty much every single practice I had increased my number of juggles. But I was still frustrated. When I got to 20 I just couldn't get out of that number. I was now like a person stuck in quick sand. Something in me knew that I had to increase my time practicing. Now  I was working as hard as ants trying to lift a block of wood. Obviously to get good at something you need repetition. That's how I started getting better. Before I was kind of streaky in getting outside and juggling. Yes I tried using a lot of my free time but no it wasn't enough. At this time of year I had more breaks in between practices and other sports activities. Now was my million dollar chance to take it and get to my goal. I was now outside almost every day, juggling for at least 15 minutes. 15 minutes a day is all I needed.
The day had come. I had to reach my goal right here right now. 5 minutes is all I had to get to the magic number of 100. First try, 25. Dang it!!! I wanted to get on the first try. Second try, 57. All right I’m getting there just keep going. Third try, 76. Yes!!! Just passed previous record. Now’s time to get the big boy number!! Fourth try, 85. Just one more chance. Let’s do this. This was my last chance to get it. I was sweating buckets, nervous that I would get so close then drop it. Here goes nothing! I just knew somehow I would do really good. All right 20 keep going. Now 40. Now 60. Now 80. Now 90. Then it happened. The worst possible thing in the world. I had dropped the ball at 96 juggles. Standing there stunned as ever I stared at the ball. I had just failed by 4 juggles!!! That’s it. Just 4. Now all I did was fall to my knees, devastated as the deadline had past. But little did I know I was about to get my absolute last chance. It wasn’t over!! Coach had given me another chance to prove that I could get 100. Now I made sure I showed that I could. As focused as a cat chasing a mouse I juggled up the numbers. 20,40,60,80,100…..100!!? I got it!! The ball was glued to the path it was bouncing. Same bounce every time off my foot. This absolutely excited me. But excited me too much as I dropped the ball at 122 juggles. But this time I didn’t care. I had just passed one of my personal “tests”. Coach was ecstatic and was beaming with joy as he congratulated me.
 As my mom drove me home they told me something. Something very important, A life lesson if that’s what.
“ I think you have taught yourself something today Jaeger,”
“What’s that?”
“Never give up on your dreams. Push yourself to achieve those goals.”
And that is what I had followed the whole time trying to juggle. I never gave up I kept pushing and pushing to get there. This is how I will accomplish my other sports goals. This is how I will accomplish my school goals. This is how I will accomplish my life.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Doomsday (Conflict/Resolution Response)

Author's Note:
This piece is about the conflict and resolution in the story Serpent's Shadow. I wrote this to demonstrate my understanding of conflict/resolution.

The book I read was Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan. The main conflict in this book is a person vs. person conflict between the chaos god Apophis and Sadie and Carter. Apophis is trying to destroy the world and Sadie and Carter have to stop him before this happens.
As time runs out Apophis rises and the gods have to hold him back while Sadie and Carter cast the sacred "Capture Shadow" spell on him. After a few heart-pounding seconds the duo finishes their spell and cast Apophis into the duat and in the process saving mankind.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Retelling Post

Serpent's Shadow
Rick Riordan

The Serpent's Shadow is about a boy and girl trying to save the world from chaos. The chaos god is about to break free from his underground jail. With little time to spare the kids must find all the clues to stop the god from taking earth into complete chaos. After having to take and untrustworthy man on the quest they learn that sometimes you must trust people like that to save the world.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rise of Chaos

Rise of chaos
By: Jaeger Hoang

As the wall of blackness closed in it was already doomsday. New York  City had already been annihilated by this unknown and godly force. To the normal human it probably looked as if a gigantic missile attack was coming in. Problem was that it was moving from the east to the west which is not normal for a storm. Truth is it was Apophis rising from his underworld grave. Apophis god of all chaos has risen from the ashes. “It’s finally good to be back!!!!” Apophis rasped in has snaky voice. As he fully formed four human shapes came into view through the smoke. “And I couldn’t have done it without you guys!” There standing with evil streaming through them were Carter, Sadie, Walt, and Zia. “Wouldn’t it be fun if we….destroyed your friends?” Apophis questioned. “As you wish Lord Apophis.” The four babbled all at once. “Alrighty then, let’s get this party started hahahaha!!!”
Somewhere in Wisconsin
“Sir we just lost our whole squad in New York!” yelped a soldier.
 “That has been the story for the past two days. What in the world could do this?”
“Well there have been reports of…”
“That can’t be it!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Commander Jones.
“No one in their right minds would have that many missiles!!!!”
“True.” The soldier agreed.
“Get that Percy Jackson guy in here he might know what’s going on.”
“Sorry sir that’s impossible.”
“Why!!!!?” questioned Jones
“He is in battle with more unkown forces.”
Myrtle Beach, SC
“Everyone heads dow…..” Percy couldn’t finish
A fireball had ripped through the building splitting it in two. As Percy looked out the window he could see Set terrorizing the streets. From a civilians point of view they saw a gigantic clay statue crushing everything like toys. What everyone didn’t know was that the gods were only the first wave of attacks. The next wave would be game over for the U.S. With the god of evil and the god of the dead closing in there was only one sensible thing to do. Run like heck.
“Everyone out of here now!!!” Percy screamed
Yells filled the air as the innocent people evacuated the beautiful beach. Percy was the only one that stood his ground.
“Well now would be a good time dad!!” hoped Percy. In Percy’s head he heard his dad, Poseidon.
“Yes indeed with a little help from the other gods too.” Poseidon added. With that there was a flash of lighting and a burst of warm air and light. It almost looked like a nuclear explosion. Instead of Percy there was a god. Not just any plain god. But one that had morphed together and made one big one. Now the chaotic Egyptian gods looked like chew toys.
“That doesn’t look good. Aaah whatever we’ll destroy his soul anyway hahaha!!!” Set announced during his evil laughing fest.
“Don’t be laughing giggle god. I should though.” Percy said as he blasted a huge fire, air, water, and lightning ball at Set. The ball suddenly changed to a fist with Percy controlling it. As it hit Set the sound of a huge bone crushing whack went across the city. Now in the god of evil’s place was a mile wide crater with Anubis now in it.
“You shouldn’t have wasted your energy on just the distraction young Percy.” Anubis said.
“It was actually quite pointless because Set and I are now one with Apophis coming about now.” Just as he finished the sentence Apophis came up from the ground and emerged fully destroying all of Myrtle Beach in the process.
“Time to die my pretties!!” Apophis yelled. Percy couldn’t let that happen but his energy had already been drained from only one of his moves! Now it was him against Setnubis or whatever his name was, Apophis, and the four god magicians Carter, Sadie, Zia, and Walt.
“Stand down and we will give immunity Percy. It is the only logical choice if you are to live.” Apophis gave him options. One let everyone else die or two die TRYING to save the people.
“Don’t do it Percy he’s luring you” Poseidon protested
“Im sorry dad I have to”
“NO son use the strength were giving you.”
“I..I…..I can’t”
“Please son you’re our last hope”
“Alright I..I…” Percy tried to finish but passed out. Now Apophis had control of him.
“Now Percy you shall rise and become one with me.” Apophis now started the connect spell. It was too late Percy had risen again but this time with chaos lurking in his eyes.
“Finally!! Now this time we have a full staff of young magician gods and a mixed Greek!!! Just perfect for what will be coming next hahahahahahaha!!!!”

End of Part 1

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

About Me

Just so you know me a bit better. I am a huge Ohio State fan, I love sports, and play baseball basketball, and soccer. I play baseball for the Pewaukee BlackHawks, I play soccer for Sc Waukesha, and play basketball for the Pirates.