Friday, October 26, 2012

Patriot's Pen

 Patriot’s Pen

Dear Founding Fathers:

You’ve seen the ads and you’ve heard the debates. Election time for the next president is right around the corner. Citizens of the United States of America get to vote on who they want to lead this great country for the next four years. Why do we have the ability to vote for our next leaders? The answer is you, the Founding Fathers. You are the reason we have so many freedoms that make us such an incredibly great country.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the rest of the Founding Fathers, you are responsible for the creation of two of the United States’ most historical documents. These important documents are the Declaration of Independence and eleven years later, the United States Constitution. If it weren’t for the Declaration of Independence we would still be under the rule of the British Monarchy. Kings and queens were born into their role of leader. You, the Founding Fathers wanted independence from this form of leadership. You wanted independence for America, an opportunity for a government with representation, and a chance for we the people to vote for our leaders.
              With your next document, the United States Constitution, you laid the foundation for our government and created the three branches of our government. You also pledged to protect our rights like freedom of speech and freedom of religion. This is why we are able to speak our thoughts without fear of government retaliation. This is why we are able to practice whatever religion we want.  These are freedoms that we value today.
Founding Fathers, you achieved great things in your time.  You drafted two important documents that influence the way we live today. Today we enjoy many freedoms because of you.  Election time is a great time to remember your accomplishments and to appreciate the opportunity we have to choose our next president. 

Jaeger Hoang

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