Monday, September 24, 2012

Retelling Post

Serpent's Shadow
Rick Riordan

The Serpent's Shadow is about a boy and girl trying to save the world from chaos. The chaos god is about to break free from his underground jail. With little time to spare the kids must find all the clues to stop the god from taking earth into complete chaos. After having to take and untrustworthy man on the quest they learn that sometimes you must trust people like that to save the world.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rise of Chaos

Rise of chaos
By: Jaeger Hoang

As the wall of blackness closed in it was already doomsday. New York  City had already been annihilated by this unknown and godly force. To the normal human it probably looked as if a gigantic missile attack was coming in. Problem was that it was moving from the east to the west which is not normal for a storm. Truth is it was Apophis rising from his underworld grave. Apophis god of all chaos has risen from the ashes. “It’s finally good to be back!!!!” Apophis rasped in has snaky voice. As he fully formed four human shapes came into view through the smoke. “And I couldn’t have done it without you guys!” There standing with evil streaming through them were Carter, Sadie, Walt, and Zia. “Wouldn’t it be fun if we….destroyed your friends?” Apophis questioned. “As you wish Lord Apophis.” The four babbled all at once. “Alrighty then, let’s get this party started hahahaha!!!”
Somewhere in Wisconsin
“Sir we just lost our whole squad in New York!” yelped a soldier.
 “That has been the story for the past two days. What in the world could do this?”
“Well there have been reports of…”
“That can’t be it!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Commander Jones.
“No one in their right minds would have that many missiles!!!!”
“True.” The soldier agreed.
“Get that Percy Jackson guy in here he might know what’s going on.”
“Sorry sir that’s impossible.”
“Why!!!!?” questioned Jones
“He is in battle with more unkown forces.”
Myrtle Beach, SC
“Everyone heads dow…..” Percy couldn’t finish
A fireball had ripped through the building splitting it in two. As Percy looked out the window he could see Set terrorizing the streets. From a civilians point of view they saw a gigantic clay statue crushing everything like toys. What everyone didn’t know was that the gods were only the first wave of attacks. The next wave would be game over for the U.S. With the god of evil and the god of the dead closing in there was only one sensible thing to do. Run like heck.
“Everyone out of here now!!!” Percy screamed
Yells filled the air as the innocent people evacuated the beautiful beach. Percy was the only one that stood his ground.
“Well now would be a good time dad!!” hoped Percy. In Percy’s head he heard his dad, Poseidon.
“Yes indeed with a little help from the other gods too.” Poseidon added. With that there was a flash of lighting and a burst of warm air and light. It almost looked like a nuclear explosion. Instead of Percy there was a god. Not just any plain god. But one that had morphed together and made one big one. Now the chaotic Egyptian gods looked like chew toys.
“That doesn’t look good. Aaah whatever we’ll destroy his soul anyway hahaha!!!” Set announced during his evil laughing fest.
“Don’t be laughing giggle god. I should though.” Percy said as he blasted a huge fire, air, water, and lightning ball at Set. The ball suddenly changed to a fist with Percy controlling it. As it hit Set the sound of a huge bone crushing whack went across the city. Now in the god of evil’s place was a mile wide crater with Anubis now in it.
“You shouldn’t have wasted your energy on just the distraction young Percy.” Anubis said.
“It was actually quite pointless because Set and I are now one with Apophis coming about now.” Just as he finished the sentence Apophis came up from the ground and emerged fully destroying all of Myrtle Beach in the process.
“Time to die my pretties!!” Apophis yelled. Percy couldn’t let that happen but his energy had already been drained from only one of his moves! Now it was him against Setnubis or whatever his name was, Apophis, and the four god magicians Carter, Sadie, Zia, and Walt.
“Stand down and we will give immunity Percy. It is the only logical choice if you are to live.” Apophis gave him options. One let everyone else die or two die TRYING to save the people.
“Don’t do it Percy he’s luring you” Poseidon protested
“Im sorry dad I have to”
“NO son use the strength were giving you.”
“I..I…..I can’t”
“Please son you’re our last hope”
“Alright I..I…” Percy tried to finish but passed out. Now Apophis had control of him.
“Now Percy you shall rise and become one with me.” Apophis now started the connect spell. It was too late Percy had risen again but this time with chaos lurking in his eyes.
“Finally!! Now this time we have a full staff of young magician gods and a mixed Greek!!! Just perfect for what will be coming next hahahahahahaha!!!!”

End of Part 1

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

About Me

Just so you know me a bit better. I am a huge Ohio State fan, I love sports, and play baseball basketball, and soccer. I play baseball for the Pewaukee BlackHawks, I play soccer for Sc Waukesha, and play basketball for the Pirates.